A lot of the things I’m still struggling to understand in the Odyssey are rooted in things I don’t understand about society in Odysseus’s Greece and especially about class in the Odyssey. So I did a bit of historical research to see if it could help me understand what Odysseus is dealing with. First off – I understand that Greece was comprised of many small kingdoms ruled independently (kingdoms might not be the correct word, but you get the idea) and there was a lot of cultural variety and not everyone necessarily fit into a few neat class categories. I also understand that the Odyssey is set in a variety of locations and that it might have been written over an extended period of time. Nevertheless, I think some vague generalizations about ancient Greek culture might be useful. Basically, the hierarchy in Ancient Greek society had male citizens at the top (including aristocrats with land, poorer farmers, and a middle class including artisans and traders), t...